F A Qs
We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you have any other questions,
please drop us the question via the chat box. We will endeavor to answer your questions within 24-48 hours.
Q 1
What is this group and how can it help me as an adult learning music?
We are a community non-profit group made up of members who are adults (18+) learning music. We believe in peer-to-peer mentoring/learning and in creating a psychologically safe space so we can talk about our struggles and share tips on how to overcome those struggles. We extend the psychologically safe space to sharing our music performances with each other during meetings.
Q 2
What kind of instruments are welcome? What kind of instruments are currently represented in your group?
We welcome all instruments including voice. Some of the instruments that members currently play include: piano, violin, cello, flute, classical guitar, ukelele and voice. A lot of us are learning more than one instrument. For instance, the founder is currently learning both piano and cello and has taken voice lessons in the past and the president, Edel Larkin, is learning piano, flute and ukelele and sings in the Irish choir.
Q 3
Do you have to be a certain level to join? What levels are represented in the group currently?
We welcome all levels from absolute beginner to advanced. We have a member who joined when they were at pre-level one piano and has been in the group for 4 years and who just completed their RCM level 2 piano exam. We also have members who are at levels 6-10 or at ARCT level who find our community meetings a great opportunity for sharing and for keeping motivated. The Founder completed her Conservatory Canada (CC)level 6 piano exam in June 2024. Read about her angst ridden music journey for this exam in her recent blog piece. The president successfully completed her CC level 9 piano exam in June 2023. The vice-president is playing at level 10 in violin.
Q 4
Is there a fee to become a member of this group? Why do you charge a membership fee?
Yes, our membership year runs from January to December. Our current 2024 annual membership fee is $40 which has stayed the same since it was implemented in 2019 . In 2025, our membership fee will increase by $5 for non-Calgary members and by $15 for Calgary members. Our renewal month runs during the month of January fo the new year. Renewing members and new members have four weeks during the first month of the year to submit their membership renewal/registration form online and their membership fee. At any other time in the year, membership registration forms and membership fees are due immediately. We charge membership fees so we can use them to meet our financial obligations: an annual fee for our website and domain name, an annual subscription for the Zoom license, and general commercial liability insurance. We aim to keep the membership fee low so membership is accessible to all.
Q 5
Why are there two different membership fee amounts for out of town members vs Calgary members? What is the reason for the decreased cost for out of town members?
The reason for the lower membership for out-of-town members is due to the fact that they are not able to take advantage of playing on a Steinway piano (for pianist members) or using the stage (for all other instrumentalists including vocalists) at the recital hall at Calgary Steinway Piano Gallery. They also can not participate in in-person workshops or masterclasses. Some people believe that In-person masterclasses are superior to online workshops or masterclasses. And there is some truth to this. However, with the added functional benefits of Zoom like receiving an AI summary after the workshop/masterclass and the ability to record certain parts of the masterclass, I think there are also definite benefits to an online masterclass vs an in-person one. Please note that ALMSG will endeavour to create online workshops if members and non-members are interested and if we can get the minimum number of participants to pay the instructor.
Q 6
What does the membership fee entitle you to?
As a full-fledged member of ALMSG, you will have access to 24 group meetings/performance opportunities throughout the calendar year. And you will also have first access to masterclasses and workshops arranged by the ALMSG. (Every year, we endeavor to organize at least one educational event for our members. In 2024, we organized two workshops for our members - one was a 3 hour workshop in Solfege and the other was a workshop on the unique art of singing and accompanying yourself on the piano.) Beginning in 2025, the ALMSG leadership team will create at least one public performance concert where our members can perform for friends and family. In addition, as each meeting is Zoomed, all members can participate in a continuous chat via the Zoom app which is open until the next meeting. Each member will also have access to Specialized Chat Channels with members' contributions regarding music practice tips, reference books, and courses.
Q 7
What if I am on the fence about joining? Is there a way I can experience a meeting to see if it's right for me?
Of course! Your first meeting is always free! This way you can check out what our meetings are like and meet the other group members. Please contact us and we will arrange it for you. After the initial trial meeting, you can then decide if you would like to join.
Q 8
What if I join the group later in the year? Do you pro-rate the membership fee?
Adult music learners can join throughout the year. In 2025, for any member joining our group from September 1st to Dec 31st, the membership fee is reduced to half the cost of a full membership. For out of town members, the membership fee will be reduced from $45 to $22.50 and for Calgary members, the membership fee will be reduced from $55 to $27.50.
Q 9
Can non-members enroll in in-person masterclasses and workshops if they just want to come for the learning and not come to meetings? Can they enroll in online masterclasses and workshops?
No, non-members can not enroll in in-person masterclasses and workshops or perform at our concerts. All non-members in Calgary must become members so they will be covered by our general liability blanket insurance for any in-person events. However, if a non-member wishes to enroll in just an online masterclass or workshop, they can do so without becoming a member. ALMSG will just charge a $10 registration processing fee for each workshop or masterclass that the individual wishes to enroll in. This applies to even Calgary non-members if they want to enroll in an online workshop or masterclass only.